CCPS Digital Device Guide

3 CCPS Program Instructional and Usage Guide

The Calhoun County Public School district provides this guide so that students and their parents/guardians can become familiar with the district's i3 CCPS Program. It contains a brief overview of the initiative, frequently asked questions, forms and other information.

All Calhoun County Public Schools are committed to preparing our students to be highly successful as they graduate and pursue their passions/goals for further education. Our schools are initiating the use of individual computing devices in the classroom. This is part of our ongoing search for ways to provide students with the tools they need to support their learning and to prepare them for higher educational opportunities and careers.


The i3 CCPS Program is not about the digital device. It is about what a personal device will enable our students to do. Students will have these devices 24 hours a day, seven days a week during the school year. The devices will give students access to the most current information available through the district's internet service and the district's Learning Management System. Students will electronically complete and turn in assignments, homework, projects or research, while interactive applications will help them improve their reading fluency, build mathematical skill or create their own study cards.

Providing our students with these powerful tools is an important part of their education. We want all of our students to think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, problem solve and collaborate using the most productive tools of the day. They must become the new generation of leaders and global citizens for our community, state and nation.

Developing these advanced learning skills is critical for our students as they prepare for a world defined by constant change, revolutionary technology and rapid access to to global information and resources. With these devices, we provide students with the tools they need to support their learning and to prepare them for higher educational opportunities and careers. Our schools must keep up with this fast pace. This technology has to evolve to effectively engage students in new ways and empower them with a world of opportunities.

We will not be able to immediately eliminate textbooks, as not all textbook publishers provide electronic copies of all their textbooks. That in not our primary objective. Teachers will be able to supplement materials found in textbooks with information they create using various multimedia or with information already available online. Our goal is to prepare our students to become world class leaders and productive members of society. We are excited to bring the i3 CCPS Program to our students and their families. We ask all of you to join us on this journey into the new century.

Additional Information

There is an annual $25.00 Insurance/User Fee for each device issued to students. These devices individually are expensive and the district must insure its investment. It also insures that the families of students when repair or replacement of the device is necessary, it is at no cost to the family should something happen to the device through no fault of the student. The insurance does not cover replacement of lost or stolen devices. It is critical: students must keep up with their devices at all times.

In the event a device is lost, the student or parent/guardian must report the loss to the school and file a police report within 48 hours.

The school/district reserves the right to repossess any digital device for failure to comply with all terms of the device agreement and/or the device protection plan.

The school/district reserves the right to demand return of the device at any time. Digital device agreements are good for one year (from the first day issued in the school year until the first day of issue the proceeding school year), unless the agreement is terminated earlier. Failure to return the device to the issuing school before departure from the district may result in criminal charges brought against the student and/or the person in possession of the digital device.

Students will comply at all times to the District's Personal Computing Device Agreement. Failure to comply ends the right of possession, effective immediately.

Students or parent/guardians must file a police report with local law enforcement within 48 hours when incidents of loss, theft, vandalism, etc. occur off campus and provide a copy of the completed police report to the school.

If an incident occurs out town or state, students or parents/guardians must file a police report with the law enforcement agency covering that town or state within 48 hours and provide a copy of the completed police report to the school.

Students or parent/guardians must file a police report with the resource officer when incidents of loss, theft, vandalism, etc occur on campus within 48 hours.

Legal title to the property is with the district and shall at all times remain with the district. The right of possession and use is limited to and conditioned on full and complete compliance with the personal mobile Computing Device Agreement. The student is responsible at all times for the mobile computing device's appropriate care and use.

Students are responsible for the entire cost of repairs if their device is intentionally misused, abused, or any damage caused to the device.

Estimated Repair Pricing for Deliberate Damage or Neglect:
Broken Screen- $150.00
Power Adapter and Cord: $35.00
Case: $21.00
Re-synchronization due to violation of Acceptable Use Policy: $15.00